Friday, April 18, 2008

Johannes Gutenberg is known for the invention of the Gutenberg press

The earliest dated printed book known is the "Diamond Sutra", printed in China in 868 CE. However, it is suspected that book printing may have occurred long before this date.

In 1041, movable clay type was first invented in China. Johannes Gutenberg, a goldsmith and businessman from the mining town of Mainz in southern Germany, borrowed money to invent a technology that changed the world of printing. Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press with replaceable/moveable wooden or metal letters in 1436 (completed by 1440). This method of printing can be credited not only for a revolution in the production of books, but also for fostering rapid development in the sciences, arts and religion through the transmission of texts.

Gutenberg Press
The Gutenberg press with its wooden and later metal movable type printing brought down the price of printed materials and made such materials available for the masses. It remained the standard until the 20th century. The Gutenberg printing press developed from the technology of the screw-type wine presses of the Rhine Valley. It was there in 1440 that Johannes Gutenberg created his printing press, a hand press, in which ink was rolled over the raised surfaces of moveable hand-set block letters held within a wooden form and the form was then pressed against a sheet of paper.

Gutenberg Bible
Johannes Gutenberg is also accredited with printing the world's first book using movable type, the 42-line (the number of lines per page) Gutenberg Bible. During the centuries, many newer printing technologies were developed based on Gutenberg's printing machine e.g. offset printing.

Brief Biography - Johannes Gutenberg
Johannes Gutenberg was a German goldsmith and inventor best known for the Gutenberg press, an innovative printing machine that used movable type. Gutenberg was born between 1394 and 1400 and died in 1468.

In 1438, Gutenberg began a business arrangement with Andreas Dritzehn, who funded his experiments in printing. In 1450, Gutenberg began a second arrangement with German businessman Johannes Fust. Fust lent Gutenberg the money to start a printing business and build a large Gutenberg Press, their printing projects included the now famous Gutenberg Bible. On September 30, 1452, Johann Guttenberg's Bible was published becoming the first book to be published in volume.

What is a Printing Press?

A printing press is a machine used to make multiple copies of something an artist has drawn onto multiple pieces of paper or fabric. The printing press takes the ink and transfers it to paper or fabric. The printing press was originally developed by Johannes Gutenburg in the 15th century. Gutenburg was the first man to show how practical moving type was. He is credited for developing the first printing press in history.

What are Phenolic Bed Plates for a Printing Press?

Phenolic bed plates are an alternative to the old metal plates found in printing presses. These phenolic bed plates are lighter than metal bed plates and great for use in a printing press that uses water based ink because these types of plates will not get rusty like metal plates will. These types of plates for a printing press are typically sold separately and can cost a bit more than metal plates but are a great addition to your printing press.

Why Should you Printing Press be Aligned?

If you are using a printing press it is important that you have it properly aligned before printing your material. If your press is not properly aligned you will end up applying an uneven force to the object you are trying to print on. This will allow for your art to turn out fuzzy and obviously not looking even or straight on the surface you were printing. Plus, uneven alignment of a printing press can do damage to the press in the long run. It is best to keep your printing press aligned to avoid these potential problems.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Some Digital Questions in Printing

Q: What is the difference between vector graphics and bitmap graphics?
A: A vector graphic is defined in a mathematical nature which makes it resolution-independent. A vector graphic can be printed clearly at any size. A bitmap image is formed by a rectangular grid of small squares, known as pixels. Each pixel contains data that describes whether it is black, white, or a level of color. Bitmap graphics are resolution-dependent they can appear jagged and lose detail if they are created at a low resolution and then enlarged or printed at a higher resolution.

Q: Where do vector graphics come from?
A: Vector graphics are typically created by illustration software such as Adobe Illustrator or Macromedia Freehand.

Q: Where do bitmap graphics come from?
A: Bitmap graphics are typically created by pixel-based image editing software such as Adobe PhotoShop. Additionally, bitmap graphics are generated from digital cameras and scanners.

Q: Can bitmap graphics be converted to vector graphics, and vice versa?
A: Yes. Software such as Adobe Streamline can convert bitmap images to vector images. Vector images can be converted to bitmap images by opening them with Adobe PhotoShop. Please note that converting a vector image to a bitmap image is rarely necessary, removes the resolution-independence of vector graphics, and should only be done if you have a very specific reason to convert the graphic.

Q: What are the different types of bitmap graphics?
A: A one-bit image refers to an image that is a solid color, with no shades of that color. A continuous tone image refers to photographic images, whether they are full color, black-and-white images with shades of gray (grayscale), or single-color images with shades of that color.

Q: What guidelines do you have for bitmap graphics resolution?
A: One-bit images require 600 pixels per inch. Full-color continuous tone images require 300 pixels per inch. Grayscale and single-color continuous tone images require 200 pixels per inch.

Q: Can I resize bitmap graphics in a page layout application?
A: These guidelines are for bitmap images that are used at their actual size. If the image is enlarged in a page layout application, the requirements enlarge by the same amount. For example, enlarging a full-color continuous tone image 225% in QuarkXPress would require a resolution of 675 pixels per inch (the original requirement of 300 pixels per inch multiplied by the enlargement of 225%). It is best to avoid performing scaling in a page layout application, as these programs have no ability to change the actual pixels in an image.

Q: Can I resize bitmap graphics in PhotoShop?
A: PhotoShop can increase the resolution of a low-resolution image, but increasing the resolution of an image scanned or created at a lower resolution only spreads the original pixel information across a greater number of pixels and rarely improves image quality.

Q: I’ve heard Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) mentioned in the context of both vector graphics and bitmap graphics. How can it be both?
A: EPS files act as a container for transferring graphic information. When an illustration software such as Adobe Illustrator or Macromedia Freehand creates an EPS file, it is a vector EPS. When a pixel-based image editing software such as Adobe PhotoShop creates an EPS file, it is a bitmap EPS.

Q: Can I copy a graphic and paste it into my document?
A: While copy-and-paste is supported by most software, you will have much more predictable results by creating a link to your graphic. The graphic then remains outside of your document and is referenced as needed. Please refer to your software’s documentation for full details about creating links to your graphics.

Q: What is a PDF file?
A: Documents in Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF) preserve the exact look and content of the originals, complete with fonts and graphics, and can be printed, distributed by e-mail, and shared and stored on network systems (including the internet) for others to use and view. When properly created, PDF files have proven to be an excellent method for generating quality printing.

Q: Where can I find my fonts?
A: On a Windows-based computer, fonts can be located in two different places. First, check Start Menu>Settings>Control Panels>Fonts. Additionally, you may have a folder names psfonts (typically on the C: drive).

Fonts in the psfonts folder are PostScript fonts and require two separate files to accurately define a font’s appearance. The first file, found in the psfonts folder, ends with a .pfb extension. The second matching file is found in the psfonts>pfm folder and ends with a .pfm extension. The font name can be accurately determined by double-clicking the .pfb or .pfm file.

On a Macintosh computer fonts are found in the System Folder>Library>Fonts. In many cases, an alias of the Library folder can be found on the root level of your hard drive, as well. In that case, the path is simply Library>Fonts.

If you use a font management utility on either platform, fonts are found in a location specified by the utility.

Choosing the Right Paper

Paper grade defines paper in terms of its use. Each grade serves a purpose, usually suggested by its grade name. Below are some of the most common classifications of printing papers.

Bond papers are commonly used for letters and business forms. They have surfaces which accept ink readily from a pen or typewriter and can be easily erased.

Coated papers are used when high printing quality is desired because of its greater surface smoothness and uniform ink receptivity. There are many kinds: cast coated, gloss coated, dull coated, machine coated, coated one- and two-sides, etc.

Text papers are noted for their interesting textures and attractive colors. They enjoy frequent use for announcements, booklets and brochures.

Offset papers are considered the most economical printing papers. Offset papers may be used for directories, newsletters, books, direct mail pieces with only a few photographs, and other printing products requiring average quality.

Cover papers complement coated and text papers in heavier weights and matching colors for use as covers on booklets, etc. Papers are also made for cover purposes only. Many special surface textures are available. Special characteristics of cover pages include dimensional stability, durability, uniform printing surface, good scoring, folding, embossing and die-cutting qualities. It is a useful rule of thumb that cover stock of the same basis weight as text paper has about twice the thickness.

Index papers have two outstanding characteristics—stiffness and receptivity to writing ink. Index is commonly used whenever an inexpensive stiff paper is required.

Tag is a heavy utility sheet. Tag board is sometimes tinted and colored on one or both sides. Tag stock has good bending or folding qualities, and a surface adaptable to printing, stamping, or writing.

Bristol is one of the board grades, with a softer surface than index or tag, making it ideal for high-speed folding, embossing, or stamping. It is very receptive to ink and has good snap and resilience.

If your printing project includes envelopes, there are many styles to choose from.

Commercial envelopes are used for business correspondence, either surface or airmail, and are available in all standard sizes.

Window envelopes are used primarily for statements, dividends and invoices. The window saves time and prevents an element of error by eliminating typing of an extra address. Window envelopes are made in all sizes and styles, from many types of paper.

Self-Sealing envelopes have latex adhesive on upper and lower flaps that seal instantly without moisture when the flaps come together. These envelopes are a time saver in handling.

Booklet, Open-Side envelopes are ideal for direct mail. A concealed seam lends itself to overall printing in front and back.

Baronial envelopes are a more formal open-side envelope with a deep, pointed flap. They are often used for invitations, greeting cards, announcements, etc.

Clasp envelopes are sturdy and widely used for mailing bulky papers. Metal clasps are smooth and burrless. This type of envelope may be opened and closed many times.

Open-End envelopes are used for mailing catalogs, reports, booklets and magazines. Wide seams and heavy gummed flaps ensure maximum protection under rough handling conditions.

Choosing the Right Ink

Choosing the right ink combinations can have a dramatic effect on your finished product. Use this handy ink guide to help you make the correct ink selection. Black ink, as you might expect, is the most common and least expensive ink.

Spot colors and tints are printed with premixed inks. You can choose from among thousands of different spot-color inks. A spot color printed at 100% is a solid color and has no dot pattern. A tint is a lightened spot or process color and is created by printing smaller halftone dots of the base color.

Process colors are reproduced by printing overlapping dots (halftone screens) of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK) inks. Since CMYK inks are translucent, they absorb some colors and reflect others. To create blue, for example, you combine cyan dots and magenta dots. Your eyes merge the cyan and magenta dots to perceive the color blue. Process (CMYK) printing gives us the ability to simulate photographic images using just four basic ink colors.

Metallic inks use metallic powders to give a pleasing metallic luster. Metallic inks can often add an extra sparkle or touch of class to your printing project.

Magnetic inks were developed to increase the speed and efficiency of handling bank checks. These inks are made with pigments which can be magnetized after printing, and the printed characters are later “recognized” by electronic reading equipment.

Fluorescent inks are naturally bright inks. They are used for jobs of a semi-permanent nature, such as labeling, packaging and direct mail.

Varnish is used as a coating over printing to protect the printing and increase gloss.

Here are some guidelines for specifying colors.

Use spot colors when..
You need three or fewer colors and you will not be reproducing process-color photographs.

You want the limited color variety you get from one or two-spot colors and tints of those colors.

You want to print varnishes or special inks, such as metallic or fluorescent spot inks.

You want to print logos or other graphic elements that require precise color matching.

Use process colors when..
You need more than three colors in your design. In general, printing with process inks costs less than printing with three or more spot inks.

You want to reproduce scanned color photographs or color artwork that can only be reproduced with process colors.